First Snow Falls

The first snow falls are a magical time
When all tranquility comes down
The winds start to sing through silver chimes
As the world dons it ivory gown
A quiet peace fills all the air
A sense of calm that stills all thoughts
Cold washes the earth in a lucious white glare
Meditation it beckons and exhorts
Some moan and complain this time of year
They grumble against the Lord
They see not why this time is most dear
Nor why it is a blessing long stored
For it is a time of great peace and joy
When the birds have flown away
All the bugs have died that used to annoy
Wintertime keeps all nuisance at bay
It is a time for reflection and thought
A time to remind us of ourselves
A peace always sought that can never be bought
A change of mind it compels
A change of mind, it does demand
Yet still do we choose what it shall be
Not all who it calls do understand
Not all touched by winter choose to be free
All seasons are a blessing from the Lord
For He is the author of all creation
Each time is crafted with unique rewards
Unseen by those apart from salvation

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The Pen and Sword posts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Published by Louis

I am a freelance writer and English tutor from the United States.

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